Our professionals in the regional departments for chemicals and our sales representatives will advise and inform you competently about products, requirements and possibilities of conditioning of different chemicals for each case. Due to our regional capabilities, our fleet and our well trained ADR-drivers for dangerous goods we guarantee a reliable and flexible delivery of chemicals. We also cooperate with reliable partners in that field. In times of high demand we require them to fulfill your conditions and wishes. Our offer in the area of chemicals consists of substainces for disinfection such as chlorine gas, chlorine granulate and Natriumhypochlorite Alkali. Many kinds of cleaning products are offered such as acid and alkaline cleaners, high-grade steel cleaners, surface disinfectant, soaps and chemicals for processing and conditioning such as flocculant (concentrate or ready to use), acids, leaches, winter protection, algicide-, special chemicals such as glycerin, antifreeze and so on. Our scope of supply and services also includes personal protective equipment and emergency sets for chlorine gas for your plants.
2544 Leobersdorf
+43 2256 622 970
5020 Salzburg
+43 662 8726250
Monday - Thursday 07h - 16h
Friday 07h - 12h